Physical design
- It is a process of transforming the circuit level description into the physical layout.
- In this layout, the position of the cells and routes for the interconnections between the cells are described by geometric representation. This geometric representation is called the Integrated Circuit layout.
- Translation of RTL (Register Transfer Level) to Gate Level Netlist for Targeted technology.
- It mainly focuses on logical optimization
- It assumes a square shape without any physical data with lesser density.
- it assumes only macro placement, not power routing
- the main advantage of the synthesis is the Best optimized Logic.
- Synthesis with Physical Data
- Floorplan: Die & Core area, Macro placement, Power Ground routing is given for accuracy and optimization.
- It is accurate than synthesis as Floorplan input is also given to the synthesis team.
- RTL database is given as input, after the floor plan stage in the form of DEF file.
- It starts from DataBase preparation (Inputs), this is from vendor libraries.
- This DataBase is given as an input to the Synthesis team.
- The synthesis team requires IP libraries with DataBase.
- After Physical Synthesis PnR (Placement and Routing ) will be done.
- After the routing stage RC Extraction by the EDA database in form of SPEF file.
- The next stage is the Static Timing Analysis (STA).
- The final stage is the GDSII output file.
- Physical verification like DRC, LVS..etc
- Tape out in the Final Stage.
- Why DFF is used in Designs?---Race around condition is avoided in DFF.
- What is meant by Banking?---Merging of Standard cells into one Standard cell of the same functionality. Pros: To save power and area. but it may cause congestion
- Debanking?-- Splitting of Banked Standard cell into many of the same functionality.