Electron Migration ( EM )

Electromigration (EM) is the movement of material that results from the transfer of momentum between electrons and metal atoms under the influence of an applied electric field. This momentum transfer causes the metal atoms to be displaced from their original positions. 

This effect increases with increasing current density in a wire, and at higher temperatures the momentum transfer becomes more severe. Thus in sub-100nm designs, with higher device currents, narrower wires, and increasing on-die temperatures, the reliability of interconnects and their possible degradation from EM is a serious concern. 

The transfer of metal ions over time from EM can lead to either narrowing or hillocks (bumps) in the wires. 

Narrowing of the wire can result in degradation of performance, or in extreme cases can result in the complete opening of the conduction path as shown in the picture below.

Widening and bumps in the wire can result in shorts to neighboring wires, especially if they are routed at the minimum pitch in the newer technologies. Foundries typically specify the maximum amount of pitch in the newer technologies.

Broadly EM is classified as cell EM and Wire EM.

Cell EM

Cell EM rules address the EM caused by current within a cell. Cell EM rules operate on the principle that, although the currents within a cell cannot be calculated due to a lack of physical layout information, they can be controlled based on external physical entities. The tool estimates the detrimental effects of currents within a cell as a function of its, 
  1. Output load
  2. Input slew
  3. Switching frequency
Wire EM 
There are two types of wire EM:

Signal EM –  It is performed net by net, simulating the charging and discharging for all possible paths to determine the worst-case average and RMS current for each wire segment. Once currents are determined, the current density is computed.

Self-Heating: It is a physical design issue that takes place in the output nodes/interconnects of circuits that charge and discharge frequently, Leads to other problems caused by heating, like an increase in resistance of the interconnect and hence an increase in charging time of the node. Also, it causes thermal reliability issues.

Techniques to solve EM:
  • Increasing the metal width to reduce the current density is a typical solution
  • For a via EM violation, you can increase the number of vias to fix potential EM issues
  • Additional straps for the current supply
  • Layer switching is another option; typically, upper metal layers in the technology have higher current
  • driving capability (due to greater thickness)
  • Reduce the cell size driving the signal net if we have positive slack on that path 

Source: From a Friend in PDFundamentals Group---Thanking him for sharing his knowledge


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