Types of Files
- .V / .vhd (RTL or Gate Level Netlist or VHDL )
- .lib --( Library file)--Liberty Timing File
- .db --Timing information--some library files are in .db format.
- .lef --(Layout Exchange Format)
- .tf --(Technology File)
- .mw --(milky way )
- .def --(Design Exchange Format)
- .sdc --(Synopsys / Standard Design Constraints)
- .tlu --(TLU+ Library)--Models help to compute R & C.
- .itf --(Instance Toggling File)
- upf --(Unified Power format)
- .io --(input-output)
- .map--mapping file
- .spef --(Standard Parasitic Exchange Format)
- .sdf --(Standard Delay Format)---used in synthesis.
- .saif --(Switching Activity Interchange Format)
- GDS--(Graphic Data Stream).
- .tcl --(tool command language)
- .v /.vhd file consists of logical information (Verilog and VHDL file Representation)
- it is used as input to synthesis tool like Design Compiler or Genus..etc
- The netlist file obtained after synthesis is used as input to Floorplan.
- .vg file is used to differentiate gate-level netlist file
- It is the combination of sequential elements and their logical connectivity.
Netlist contains-
- Input and output information of the design.
- Wire information.
- Cell and instance information.
- Module information.
- Hierarchy information.
- Port information.
LIB file:
- .lib File (library file)/Liberty Timing file coded in ASCII representation of timing power parameters for all the cells in the design for a particular technology node is described in this file
- .lib contains all the standard cell information like cell transition, cell delay, setup & hold time requirements, electrical and functional characteristics of a cell
- PVT conditions of the cells are also defined in the library.
- These are supplied by Vendors or Foundry.
- .db consists of Timing information
Two types
- Technology lef
- Cell/macro lef
- Technology lef --It contains a metal layer and via information like
- Metal layer:
- Direction
- Pitch
- Width
- Area
- Spacing table
- Min enclosure area
- Diag spacing
- Diag min edge length
- Resistance
- Capacitance
- Thickness
- Antenna model and antenna area ratio
- DC current density
- Spacing
- Width
- Antenna model
- Antenna area ratio
- DC current Density
- Class
- Origin
- Size
- Symmetry
- Antenna gate area
- Direction
- Usage
- Port
SDC (Synopsys design constraint)
- Clock definition
- Create_clock
- Create_virtual clock
- Create generated clock
- Create clock uncertainty
- External delays
- Input delays
- Output delays
- DRV’s
- Max transition, max capacitance, and max fanout
- Timing path exceptions
- False path
- Multi-cycle path
- Max delay
- Min delay
- .mw / .FRAM consists of Frame view or Physical view--It consists of Physical Information.
- .cell view is the entire design view
- .sdc consists of Timing constraints
- .upf consists of power information
- .tlu+ helps to compute R & C values
- if .lib and .db files are changed entire standard cell information will be changed
Common questions
- What is the input to the .lib file? -- Input transition & Output load.
- What is the output to the .lib file?-- Output transition & cell delay.
- Drive Strength? -- The Maximum capacitance load a device can drive. It is captured in the Library file as max_capacitance.
- Fanout ?-- The number of gates it can drive